Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Princess Mononoke

I did this drawing entirely with Derwent coloursoft pencils. I liked the movie, the characters and strangeness of it. I'm really happy with how the wolf and her face has turned out. It has taken me a while but it was fun!

Friday, 15 March 2013

Using Colour Pencils

I have been trying to use colour pencils a lot more recently. If you know how to use them properly and be patient and layer them, you can end up with a great result. I'm still perfecting my technique as it's a slow process and I prefer to work fast. In this case I decided to try using brown paper. The pencils I use are Derwent coloursoft pencils. They worked really well on the brown paper.

I like to sketch out ideas first in my sketchbook using graphite and then develop it into a final piece.

I am working on another colour pencil piece for the Derwent Colour pencil art competition, the deadline is July, so plenty of time to do some more drawings! :)

Derwent art comp - http://www.graphiccompetitions.com/illustration/derwent-art-prize-2013#.UTUPn2joz3Y.twitter